Friday, October 09, 2009

Restaurant Buchholz & A New Car

Having just bought a new car (actually..4 years old and it's only my third car in 35 years)..we decided to celebrate and go out with some friends Marianne & Jupp to a restaurant in Mainz. As is my want..and being a crazy wine freak...I was there a day earlier to browse the wine-list. This is for my satisfaction...but it also cuts out the delays caused by me on the evening. Foodies will know what I mean. I met the owner while I was checking the list...Herr Buchholz...who was probably wondering what a customer was doing mid afternoon in his restaurant. After a short was 'bis morgen'..and off home.
The following evening we drove to Mainz-Gonsenheim in the new car (no ..I didn't drive home). They have a parking service at the restaurant..give up the keys..and hope the young guy doesn't drive off and show his girlfriend his 'new motor'. We were shown to our table...large enough for 8 we had plenty of room. There is a main restaurant..and small pockets where tables are available...well set out. We decided to eat 'à la carte'...a starter and a main course. A very good variety of fresh breads with various salts....and an 'amuse gueule' preceeded the first courses.
Ökonomierat Rebholz von Muschelkalk Riesling Spätlese Trocken 2007
Pfalz, Germany
I had this 6 months ago..and was impressed. No chance of getting anymore..the 2008 was on the market. Last chance to try it again here then. Jupp makes wine in the Rheingau....and he was surprised how little acidity was showing...and that is the reason that it pleases me. That's not to say it is flat..far from it..but the whole bundle is perfectly balanced. There is an intense aroma...classic Riesling...needed some airing..then filled out on the palate...spices galore...layers of minerals. Lovely wine.
Points 17.5

Decided to overdo it with the red.....The Meyer-Näkel looked me in the eye from the wine-list....

Meyer-Näkel Dernauer Pfarrwingert G.G. Spätburgunder 2006

Ahr, Germany

Cassis...blackberry...cream.....stop there....just smell this all night....what a compact bouquet...scares you sometimes....maybe you will be disappointed when you taste...but no chance here. Dry fruit...just layers and layers....this is class...and fully deserves the
Points 18

That would have been it.., Jupp & I were on a roll...and the alocohol hadn't set a selection of cheeses needed a slightly more biting the half-bottle was just right. No photo of the Burgundy....I think the alcohol was taking over..I forgot...
Domaine Chantal Lescure à Nuits-Saint-Georges
Pommard les Vaumuriens 2006
Burgundy, France
This was not going to be easy after the M-N wine...earthy, drier fruit...walnuts..very much terroir..with a bite of acidity and a soft tannin grip...just right with the cheese.
Points 17.25
Food was very good....maybe pricey on the list..but with all the extras it balances itself out.
One small point...some sort of small potato addition with the main courses would have been better.
Here some photos...with a list of what was on the menu...the rest you can work out for yourselves!
Gelbschwanzmakrele mit rote Bete und Sauerrahm
Tatar vom Taschenkrebs mit Langustino, Radieschen und Avocado
Marinierter Kalbskopf mit Kartoffel und Entenstopflebercroûtons

Gebratene Jakobsmuschel mit Zweierlei von Kürbis und Mangold
Cannelloni vom Kalbsschwanz auf Stielmus und Rote Bete-Vinaigrette
Kartoffelravioli in Geflügel-Olivenölnage und schwarzem Trüffel
Hummerconsommé mit Büsum Krabben

Steinbuttfilet mit geräuchertem Süßkartoffelpüree, lauwarmen Selleriesalat und Anisschaum
Saiblingsfilet und marinierte Muscheln auf gebratenem Spitzkohl und Zitrusfrüchten
Roastbeef und geschmorte Wange vom Westhofener Rind mit Safranschalotten,
cremiger Polenta und Steinpilzen
Zweierlei vom Lamm mit Auberginencaviar, Quitte und Olivensauce
Ente in 2 Gängen serviert
Rosa Brust mit Servietten-Nssknödel, Kräutersaitlingen und Senfkörnersauce
Geschmorte Keule an Selleriepüree und Rosenkohlblättern

Warme Apfeltarte mit Rumeis
Lasagne von Buttermilchmousse und Orangen-Mandel-Blättern mit Rosmarineis
Leicht geliertes Champagnersüppchen mit Cassis-Sorbet und Karamellkrokant

1 comment:

Alexis said...

So in the end you still managed to end up in Burgundy! :P Looks like you had a nice meal!