Late post on our last meeting early April...but as the next one is due...I had better pull my finger out.
Volker always brings a white...and a Riesling...and
it is good to have some stability in our monthly meeting. Robert on the
other hand always produces some rarity and it takes us a while to nail
it down.
Dönnhoff Hermannnshöhle Riesling GG 2014
Nahne, Germany
To be honest...this too young...and
was showing its best an hour later as it warmed. I find Dönnhoff's.
wines tend to some restsüsse...and in their youth are a little
unbalanced. Negatives by side...this was an aggreeable starter.

Alfredo Arribas Trossos Tros Blanc 2013
Montsant, Spain
always brings something not readily available...usually from
Spain...and he was recently in the area. After we guessed North made the grape guess easier...Grenache Blanc...and he told us
the vines were up to 80 years old. I can usually taste the aged
ones...and this threw up some creamy fruit. Ripe peaches and with pleanty of depth. Very interesting. you know...our meeetings are great fun as we have to guess what is hidden inside the covered wine.
I had been asked to bring a red...and anyone who has been around wine over the last 20 years will know the bottle size from Au Bon Climat. The punt at the bottom is a finger long. The kitchen foil would have been a waste of time. My two friends should work for their success as I have to with their wines.
My red needed a decant...which it got a couple of hours was decanted into an empty white wine bottle from Austria with a screwcap!!!
This bottle got the kitchen foil...and I was ready to go.
Whenever you are asked to guess look for all the help you can get...and I guess Volker and Robert eyed what was before them.
They guessed Pinot Noir...and in the normal bottle would have said 'New World' Au Bon Climat.
Now...what do you think happnened? They went all over the world!
When they finally ended up in Santa Barbara County...I nodded. 'But the only wine we know like that is Au Bon Climat...and there are no slim bottles with screwtop'
Did I say there was. My giggles had started by now and I revealed the label. sides were hurting. They love me for my humour...and even when we said goodnight...I could still not stop smiling. In the middle of the night I let out a roar.
The wine...well...showing some age... Meaty...eucalytus...still soft biting tannins...
What awaits me in our future tastings?. I will be on my toes!
The REAL Bottle |
The FALSE Bottle |