What's In A Name: MALTERER

Huber Malterer 2009
Baden, Germany
Malterer...Cuvée of Freisamer
& Weißem Burgunder(Pinot Blanc)
Freisamer is a variety, 90 years ago in Freiburg Silvaner and Ruland were crossed. The species got it's name from the city of Freiburg and the river Dreisam. The name comes from a family Malterer who were in the early Middle Ages in Malterdingen bailiffs. During the 13th Century, they were citizens of Freiburg. One of the sons, Martin Malterer was knighted. The family donated in 1320 the monastery at Freiburg Adelhauser a tapestry. This "Malterer" or "women list carpet," is now kept in the treasury of the Augustinian Museum in Freiburg.
Medium light yellow. A very toasty Barrique note...butter, a little vanilla, bananas, The nose is dense and very elegant. On the palate, you taste some Barrique again, but there's also a nice lemony acidity, a mild fruity sweetness of mango fruits and a long finish.If you find this...try it...you will like it!
Points 17
What's In A Name: CHAT SAUVAGE

Chat Sauvage Assmannshäuser Höllenberg
Pinot Noir 2007
Rheingau, Germany
Firstly..the name conjures up a mass product from a French Negociant....but you would be wrong. I had been forewarned by fellow blogger Alex...who had ventured into Riesling county...the Rheingau...to visit the property.
If I had not seen his report...the bottle on offer on ebay would have passed me by. I bid...and for € 30,-- get to try a 2007 not tried by Alex.
Light colour...but as I say...who cared(past tense)...blondes, brunettes...as long as they were beautiful. But I digress...back to the wine. And back to France....because this is very Burgundian. It is a wine that is gentle and discrete...elegant fruit...and a lively fresh prickly strawberry fruit. I enjoyed it...it fell away next day...but there was hardly any left in the bottle. Like the Mosel...this area could make more Spätburgunder/Pinot Noir...and if that climate change does really happen...I for one won't complain. The same seller on ebay offered a second bottle...it is in the cellar. There was a third on offer...but no one bought it...probably thought is was a mass product from Burgundy. There were partly wrong!
Points 17.25
What's In A Name: ELTVINUM
A restaurant in Eltville with a Vinothek
We were invited by friends to join them at a small restaurant in Eltville. Eltvinum...clever name eh? I was TOLD in advance I would choose the wine...so...as one does...I checked their webpage. Not very special... a range of Rheingau wines...but none at the top end....and certainly no reds called Chat Sauvage. Our friends...on my advice...requested that I could take a bottle of the red stuff...no problem. The location in a back street...recently refurbished...and we chose the Vinothek for our table as opposed to the Restaurant. There is a nice terrace where...for the smokers...it's not far to go...and the rain that fell was not a problem. I checked the white wines...same as on the webpage list...but the friendly staff offered me a couple of tasters. Not finding them to my liking...I chose an Erstes Gewächs...2009..and the drop in a small glass convinced me. No acidity stomach churner. It turned out well..and accompanied the selection of starters.
Hans Lang Hattenheim Hassel
Riesling Erstes Gewächs 2009
Rheingau, Germany
Points 16.5
A half portion of Pasta with Truffle was good...freshly made.
The main courses were, however, NOT 'come back and try me again' . The Rump Steaks looked good....but the Risotto was underdone...and the Coq au
Vin may have spent 36 hours in the juice...but could have done with some help...the poor fowl was a little bland.
The Salwey was not bland...and was enjoyed by our 'Gastgeber'
Salway Spätburgunder Eichberg GG 2007
Baden, Germany
Instant appeal from the glass...caramel & vanilla ice-cream.
The oak is well integrated...and a bouncy acidity propelling the fruit upwards. Very well made...and ready now. Dried strawberries best describe the taste..and methinks this will evolve well
Points 17.75
We sat outside and had some very good Tiramisu.
Our friends have been there before...eaten some Pasta and had a glass of white. Recommended for that...main courses a let-down...but the staff are very friendly.